A drought tolerant garden

Custom Concrete Designs

A drought tolerant garden
Welcome to California Eco Design! We provide landscape design, installation, visualization, site planning, and maintenance services- everything you need to transition your landscape to a healthy and functioning system.
Think of all the resources that go into maintaining traditional landscapes. What do they provide? Curb appeal? We believe the landscapes where we live, work, and play can and must provide so much more:
Food & Medicine
Clean Soil, Air, & Water
Habitat for the biodiversity we depend on
Psychological Well Being
A Sense of Community & Place
Opportunities for Creative Play & Exercise
To reach these goals we apply ecology to landscape architecture (ecological landscape design). We're well-versed in native and drought tolerant plant palettes, edible ornamental gardens, raingardens, drip irrigation, and greywater systems. These are just some of the elements that we put together in the dynamic and functional landscapes we design.
We call it Future-Friendly because our landscapes build ecological capital for tomorrow... capturing and filtering water, providing habitat, growing food capacity, eliminating the need for harmful chemicals... and creating beauty on many levels.